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An mobile carpool application for university students to share cars and make friends.

Summarise the survey and interview results. Understanding problems and define user goals.

User goals :

Provide convenience for the students who go to the same destinations, while promoting values of sharing, generosity, frugality and an environmental consciousness to the students. 


Drivers and passengers can benefit from the other parties.

Also, it will be a social platform to interact with fellow school mates on the same routes

Problem Statements :

Taxi, Uber, grab fares are expensive.

Shuttle bus service has inflexible timings/limited space/fixed destination.

Public transports are occasionally unreliable(jams, breakdowns).

Long distances to travel for students staying far away (long travel duration).

Defining in-app functions and wireframing.

Draw out user flow diagram.

To show the structure of interface before moving to next stage. Confirming the in-app functions and understanding how should user interact with the product.

Bramstorming and sketching.

Finalize wireframes.

Low-fidelity design and choosing the style of the interface.

Low-fidelity Mockup.

Color palette

Vibrant and warm colours are selected for students. Warm colours represent youthful, passionate and creative. While pink colours represents warmth and friendship, which are related to the name of our app (Gratia - which is a latin word means kindness). Orange combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow. It is associated with joy, sunshine, enthusiasm. 


Mjzhafirademo is used for the name of the app in the loading page. It is an interesting font that can make user feel the joy of sharing in the first impression of using the carpool. At the same time, the strokes of Myriad are clear and simple, we try to make user to read smoothly when go through the content.

Icons of the interface

Create icon collection. Using the icons instead of texts for users to recognise the information faster and to tap more easily.

The evolution of the logo.

High-fidelity mockup and clickable prototype.

Clickable prototype in InVision

Design elements and features.


Provide more options for choosing drivers that match your location and destination. Be able to view the reviews and profile of driver before you choosing. 


Shairing economy

Get the chance to know more people on the way to school by sharing one car. And expand your social circle. 


Social networking

Request to add another rider as friend, start communication and sharing moment with each other.



Only student can register by school email. Avatar will be used as ur profile picture before accept friend request. More privacy setting are provided. 

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