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The game is an endless platformer where the player controls the cat in a pool to move forward.

The cat eats the harmless fishes for points and also avoids collision with the aggressive fishes. Aquacat should also avoid hitting on the obstacles. It's created by game engine Unity.

Screen Flow Chart
Cut Scene

Storyboard: Cat went fishing and he was usually very good at catching fish until one fateful day, a fish got smarter and decided to trick him and bit off the bait on the fishing hook without getting hooked itself. Thus, the cat got angry and sought revenge by building himself a suit to go underwater and tries to annihilate the bad fish in the sea and thus Aquacat was born!

Game Assets


Equipped Suits


Sound Design

During the cutscenes there would be an outdoors and indoors sound environment as well as background sound effect and voice acting.

Sound Planning Map for Cutscene

The time mapping for the sounds gives better overview and organization to add in sounds as well as edit them in pro tools.

Background Music by GarageBand

GarageBand for ipad is a very useful application to do composition without any actual instruments in hands, but still can create great music.

The music tempo is 110, C major key and the time signature is 4/4. It comprise of 13 tracks with 7 different instruments, which give better expression of the music. They are Muted Guitar, Vintage Kit Drum, Solar Sailer Keyboard, Sync Lead Keyboard, Sequence Bass, Smooth Clav Keyboard, Retro Bass, Inharmonic Lead Keyboard as well as Live Rock Kit Drum. A wide variety of instruments can make music become more colorful.

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